
We provide our clients with the best specialists in this field

We provide our clients with the best specialists in this field


Private Client

We provide legal and financial solutions focused on improving the financial position of private investors, natural persons, family offices, and other types of private investor.

Our specialists offer a complete range of services in the Private Client sector, from risk management to business structuring and support in decision-making.


Horticulture Sector

Horticulture is one of the most important sectors of the Spanish economy. It is vital to be able to count on specialized consultancy at all stages in the life-cycle of such a company.

At LexConomy we work with companies of every type and size in the horticulture industry, offering unrivaled, personalized service to ensure a successful business operation.


Medical and
biotechnology sector

Highly specialized and subject to continual technological advances, the medical and biotechnology sector requires specialized knowledge of the legal mechanisms that protect the innovations, rights and interests of businesses operating in this industry.

We specialize in providing tailored solutions to the multidisciplinary challenges that face a business operating in this sector.


Hotel Industry

Another long-standing industry in Spain, also to have undergone considerable evolution, the hotel industry requires expert knowledge of hotel services and the broad scope of applicable civil, fiscal, administrative and tax law.

LexConomy is the trusted consultancy provider for a number of businesses in this area, from large hotel chains to guesthouses, and the management of holiday apartments and condos.

We are ready provides the specialized consultancy you need need to optimize your business’ resources and ensure compliance with the full scope of applicable laws.


Family Businesses

Family businesses are a huge asset to the Spanish economy. Proper legal and financial consultation supports their development and consolidation and can help manage the sensitive issues and complexities generated by the added dimension of family relations in this type businesses. 

Our invaluable experience as legal professionals and strategic allies to family business has positioned us as a world class consultancy provider in this sector.

We offer our clients the specialized and tailored service required to ensure the smooth and profitable operation of their business.


Online Retail

Recent years have seen a boom in E-commerce as an alternative sales channel, resulting in an accompanying increase in the legal and fiscal regulation of the sector. This trend makes it essential [for businesses] to be able to count on specialists with an up-to-date understanding of the wide-ranging and ever-evolving laws and regulations that affect this sector.

Our team can work with you as the e-commerce sector continues to evolve and provide you with the personalized service your business needs to thrive.